Advance Praise for Nervosities from Brian Evenson!

I’ve long been inspired by Brian Evenson’s inimitable writing, which transgresses the frictive limits of language and knowledge, writing as visceral as it is cerebral, is as inspiring as it is formidable, so you can imagine my delight to receive the following advance praise for Nervosities from him:

“A first book? Really? It’s almost impossible to believe, considering how astonishing Nervosities is. What I love about these stories is how they couple a commitment to language and maximalist literary endeavor with a sensibility that is politically aware, engaged, and radical. From razor-sharp approaches to immigration to explorations of the vagaries and struggles of relationships, these are virtuoso pieces which are, nevertheless, decisively human. Like John Keene’s Counternarratives, Nervosities is a complex and compelling book.” Brian Evenson, author of Song for the Unraveling of the World, The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell, and many other books


(Image: Bridget Riley’s Pause, 1964)

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